Julz Cali
8 min readMar 14, 2021


The rise of the AMOGUS, a 100% community owned, crypto meme token

The AMOGUS memes can be more than dreams.

Intro: What in the world is BSC / Binance Smart Chain?

If you have transitioned to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Pancakeswap like I have because of the ridiculous ETH fees on Uniswap, then you know that this space is truly the Wild West of crypto. The ultra low fees on BSC let people move in and out of projects with tremendous speed. You can bet ten dollars on something and the majority of that will stay intact because fees won’t eat into them. However, as with life, the good is often contrasted by the bad, and in this case the bad is that the BSC space is rife with scammers. Too many times you will find yourself at the end of a scam (we call ’em rugs as in rug pulls), or even something as simple as buying the top because you were late to the party.

Here is where the crux of BSC lies. Getting early into a project and betting small amounts allow you to manage your risk and reap the rewards when the project skyrockets. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that your project has to have a use case that addresses a problem in the real world. If you have been using Pancakeswap this year, you’ve seen your fair share of dogs, cats, bunnies, pigs, even those weird little creatues, tardigrades, that can exist in space. However, you never know what a project is going to do. That’s why when you enter it has to be at the right time and with the right risk management. However the powerful effect that a meme can have on creating and sustaining a community should not be underestimated, but it helps when the project is legitimate and above board.

Project AMOGUS: The Details

With that preface out of the way, I wanted to let you all know about an interesting project I’ve found on Binance Smart Chain called AMOGUS that launched three days ago. What I like about it apart from the nice meme reference to the character from the video game “Among Us” on their logo is that they’ve managed to incorporate aspects of the real world into their actual tokenomics. For example, they launched the project with a 1.9 trillion max supply, a maximum circulating supply of 1%, and 99% of the tokens available are farmed through the mining pool. If you didn’t catch that, 1.9 trillion is a reference to the stimulus package in the United States, and the 1 and 99% is the breakdown of wealth inequality. Not to worry though, AMOGUS is on our side. AMOGUS is just really popular and wants to be everywhere, even in crypto.

The best feature about this project and why I’m writing this article is because AMOGUS is 100% community owned. As you know if you read my previous article about SHIB, I love decentralized, community-owned, meme projects because there is infinite potential when masses of people work together toward a common objective. This project was launched fairly without any pre-sale. Contract ownership has been renounced. There is no vesting or reserve tokens.

You can hold your AMOGUS in your wallet or farm to get more AMOGUS. The choice is yours. However, I wanted to take a minute to point out that farming for AMOGUS will only be available for three months. After this period, you’ll only be able to buy it on Pancakeswap, which means that if you get in early and begin farming, you’ll have a chance to “money printer go BRRRRRR”. The difference is instead of spitting out dollars you’ll be spitting out AMOGUS into your wallet, which will increase in value over time, unlike the monopoly money we call fiat.

Instructions: Golden Opportunity on how to setup your AMOGUS farm!

Before you roll eyes at farming, let me reassure you that those that get in early get the most profits, especially as it related to farming and the three month window. I wouldn’t be recommending this project if it had already pumped hard. I like looking for the early bird specials. AMOGUS launched three days ago. At the time of writing this article, we only have 50 people farming AMOGUS in the staking pool. The thing is though when you look at the chart, they’re inexpensive. 1 BNB (around $272) can get you hundreds of millions of these little guys. The AMOGUS apocalypse has arrived directly into your wallet!

If you’ve never done farming, it can be a bit difficult to get setup. If you’re coming over from Uniswap, make sure to read this guide: https://coinguides.org/binance-smart-chain-metamask/. It explains how to setup your MetaMask so you can use it on the BSC. If you have ETH or BTC, I highly recommend getting Trust Wallet (https://trustwallet.com/download-page) or SafePal Wallet (https://www.safepal.io/download) to buy your BEP20 BNB, as that is the version of BNB that works on BSC. There is a swap feature in both apps that allows you to swap from one crypto to BNB BEP-20. If for some reason you have the BEP2 BNB, you’ll have to convert it to the BEP20 version. After that you can use MetaMask to start farming AMOGUS. I don’t recommend farming with Trust Wallet as a friend said he had issues connecting to the farming site, so if you do have your BNB BEP20 in Trust Wallet, send it over to your MetaMask Wallet.

Once you have BNB BEP20 in your wallet, you can go here to buy AMOGUS: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x1cfe4495e672c4658690d4875df6b375592c792b. Connect your wallet at the Top Right if it’s not already connected. Buy some AMOGUS, but make sure that however many AMOGUS you buy, you have an equal amount of BNB left over. For example, if you buy 2 BNB worth of AMOGUS, make sure you have 2 BNB to match that amount. That is how farming works. You need equal parts AMOGUS and BNB to create what’s called a Liquidity Pool token, or LP token.

To create your LP token head on over here: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/pool. Click the “Add Liquidity” button. Add the AMOGUS contract in the field that is not BNB: 0x1cfe4495e672c4658690d4875df6b375592c792b. Once you’ve added equal parts AMOGUS and BNB, hit the “Supply” button to create the LP Token. Rinse and repeat if you want to create more LP Tokens.

Once you have your LP token, head on over here: https://app.tosdis.finance/stake. On the left hand side, Select the Binance Smart Chain Logo where it says “Select Network” (the one on the right hand side). Then go to Public Pools. Be patient please the loading can take a few moments before everything appears. Find the AMOGUS Pool, and press the “Stake” button. Hit “MAX” button and that will give you your LP token to stake. Then hit the “Stake” button one last time. Approve the transaction, and you’re done. You’ll get a popup that confirms everything when you’re done. If you hit “MAX” and there’s a 0 there, it means you didn’t create the LP token and you need to go back to Pancakeswap and follow the previous instructions to create it.

Congratulations! You are now a part of the AMOGUS farming adventure!
The AMOGUS crypto community is barely getting on its feet. We have huge plans in the works to get more exposure. Hence, this article to get you in early before we really move. Since Reddit has such a huge love for the AMOGUS memes, there’s no telling how far this project could go. We’d love to have all AMOGUS lovers join our project as early as possible before the meme goes even more viral with this crypto.

Flashback: SHIB on Uniswap is pumping and AMOGUS on BSC can as well, but AMOGUS has clear advantages

Before ending this article, I wanted to look back on a call I made to buy a crypto on Uniswap called SHIB a few weeks ago on Medium. In that article, I discussed how the power of memes, when combined with loyal and numerous community members, can really make a crypto skyrocket, in the same way that happened with Game Stop and Doge. We just need the people to join us in our efforts. Just as SHIB was completely decentralized, so is AMOGUS. One benefit that AMOGUS has over SHIB is that we have lower fees. AMOGUS lovers aren’t so restricted by fees as the people purchasing SHIB on Uniswap. One or two dollars versus 50 to 80 dollars in gas fees is the glaring difference in fees before you can even purchase your meme coin. BSC wins by a landslide there. Another advantage we have over SHIB is we have this 3 month window to print AMOGUS into our wallets. The only way to get more SHIB is to buy more on Uniswap. There is no farming available presently.

I am delighted to also report after all those long weeks of waiting that the SHIB community is experiencing tremendous gains for their efforts. SHIB is almost or already at All Time Highs, which is 100’s if not 1000’s of percentages in gains depending on how much they accumulated during the winter phase of SHIB’s trajectory. Bear in mind that so-called winter lasted a month at most. Timelines for success are turbo charged in crypto. The SHIB community believed in the meme, they spread it virally, and now their hard work has payed off.

Call to action: Join the AMOGUS community and help us grow organically

I envision a similar success story for the AMOGUS project and community. It will require heavy lifting on Twitter, Reddit, and other social media to spread the word, but as evidenced by the success SHIB is tasting at this very moment, nothing is impossible. A meme supported by an community of believers is capable of any feat, including life changing financial freedom. By merely attaching yourself to a project such as ours and believing and supporting it with your efforts, we can literally make our financial dreams come true.

AMOGUS lovers: say no to dollars, euros, or pounds. Say yes to meme tokens with viral communities. One is losing its value while the other’s value increases rapidly as time goes on. Pretty soon every crypto you can think of will be mainstream and you’ll be able to use all your tokens to pay for everyday things. Until that time, however, get in on the ground floor and join our emerging AMOGUS community. Bring your friends. Please tell anyone who loves AMOGUS memes to join us and help us. I promise you if you stick with it and help us build our community you will not regret it. Our 250 Telegram members will be thousands in a few weeks. Then, we do what we do every night Pinky. We plan to take over the world and spread AMOGUS everywhere!

I wanted to leave some possible teases about the future as well. As you all know NFTs have taken over the crypto headlines lately. Being an early AMOGUS holder might come with extra benefits. We may get even more creative ideas for cool stuff as the community expands. Being an early adopter and owner of large amounts of AMOGUS is highly recommended.

Links to connect with the AMOGUS community and make this go viral

Here at the end I leave you with all the relevant links to join our community and get started on your journey to owning and/or farming your very own AMOGUS cryptos.

Website: https://amogus.space

Telegram: https://t.me/amogustoken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amogustoken

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/amogusbsc/

Token contract address: https://www.bscscan.com/address/0x1cfe4495e672c4658690d4875df6b375592c792b

Buy from Pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x1cfe4495e672c4658690d4875df6b375592c792b

Chart: https://goswappcharts.web.app/?isbsc=true&tokenId=0xo1cfe4495e672c4658690d4875df6b375592c792b



Julz Cali

I was an early investor and believer in Shiba Inu. It changed my life in many important ways.